Thursday, September 16, 2010

Walking tour of Berlin

We started off our first full day in Berlin by exploring the DDG Museum, which was a hands-on look at life in the  East Berlin sector under the communist government.  We then did a walking tour which included LOTS of informative facts from our guide as well as historic sites (the picture is Steve at one of the few remaining parts of the Berlin Wall).  The tour lasted 5 hours and he covered most of German history for the last 700 years.  It was interesting to find out that the first unification of Germany took place in 1871 soon after the Burow ancestors left for America.  So Germany is a very young country compared to much of Europe.  The re-unification took place in 1990 so this year is the 20th anniversary.  The people's rally that called for changes took place right beneath the radio tower that is across from where we are staying.  Of course we are not restricting our continued exploration of German food, wine, and beer!


  1. I got my piece of the wall in Dec-89 from the area about 10' behind Steve on the upper right side!

  2. We need more details about the food and beer!
