Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Arrived in Berlin

We flew into Tegel from London arriving about 4:00 pm local time.  Our host, Elizabeth, met us at the airport and we took the bus to her flat in what was East Berlin before the wall came down.  She has had this aparment for 35 years and had some very interesting observations about the positives and negatives of the changes that have taken place since 1989.  We are right across from this very famous landmark TV tower (this was taken from our window).  Up at 4 am but decided to have breakfast (bread, cheese, sausage and coffee) and plan our day.


  1. The Fernsehturm at 1,207 feet is the fourth tallest freestanding structure in Europe!

  2. Erik, will you be adding color commentary for all posts? :)

  3. Should you decide that I should take this mission, I will be honored to be Chief Commentator for this trip!
