Sunday, September 19, 2010

Back to My Roots

We spent Sunday touring the area near Prenzlau where the Burow family lived and worked.  This was about an hour's drive north of Berlin; the area looked surprisingly like the countryside in southern Wisconsin where relatives settled after immigrating in the mid-1800's. The town where most were baptized and married was Jagow where we stopped to walk around the church and look at many buildings from that time. Lunch was overlooking the lake at Prenzlau and then on to tour the Chorin Abbey that was first erected in the 1200's.  We ended up for coffee and apple strudel at Elisabeth's "garden", a small cottage on a lake about 45 minutes from Berlin.  She acquired this in the 70's when properties like this were appropriated by the GDR from many West Germans and lent for use to the people in Communist Germany. After reunification in 1970 she was finally able to buy it. Elisabeth and her friend Connie gave over a whole day to showing us some of the country outside of the city and we look forward to returning the favor when Elisabeth visits Coeur d'Alene.


  1. Looks beautiful. How generous of Elisabeth to spend that time. Fascinating that it looks like S Wisconsin.

  2. I agree with Susan. We'll have to come to Cd'A when she comes for a visit.

  3. Hi Mom and Dad. Very cool!
    Question: Do you guys remember anything about my positive TB test from after college? I got one at age 22, but never had any followup (chest xray or meds). Do you know if I received the BCG vaccine when I was little in Jamaica? If not, how do you think I got the positive skin test? Feel free to email me at You said to go through the blog-so there.

  4. Standing by for follow up! For what it is worth, I remember getting some tb puffy test.

  5. Dad and I don't remember exactly, except the whole family got a skin test in Jamaica which may have been a factor in your positive test later. I think we have your shot record at home, if you don't have it. But we won't be able to check that until we get home.
