Monday, September 27, 2010

Black Forest

We've taken two excursions to the Black Forest the last two days.  Sunday was somewhat rainy so we just drove in the valley close to Frieberg and wandered around two medieval towns to the south.  It was a good day to finally try Black Forest Cherry Torte with our afternoon coffee.  Monday dawned clear and cold so we drove into the mountains to do some walking in a little town called Hinterzarten which has a very famous ski jump which hosts international competitions.  Then on to the highest mountain in the Black Forest where we took a gondola and then hiked to the very top.  We found a little hut to have a beer, but then had to scurry to catch the gondola back down the mountain.  We made it with just 3 minutes to spare!


  1. Just because some of us haven't commented in a few days doesn't mean we aren't reading -- just that we aren't witty :)

  2. I love seeing Dad with the poles. I want some, but those along rith riding the recumbent bike at the gym will just put me in the 60+ demographic. How's the coffee? I saw curry ketchup in Pike Place Market at the sausage stand! Made in Germany!

  3. Lol Molly! How does the beer compare to Belgium?

  4. What did you do Tuesday? No post!

  5. Are you guys alive? What's going on?
