Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Museum Day

For some reason we kept putting off going to the museums we had agreed we wanted to see in Berlin.  So on Monday we hoped to go to three; we ended up going to two, and decided that one would have been the right number for us!  We spent a long time at the Jewish Museum which traced the history of Jews in Europe.  We really wanted to see the Pergamon which has some amazing architectural ruins from Greco/Roman times; thankfully they had a 1/2 hour tour with earphones which fit the bill perfectly.  A lot of beer and some great sauerbraten somehow made everything better. We took the train to Freiburg on Tuesday (6 1/2 hours) and I don't want to see a museum for at least a week!!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, you probably don't need to see a museum for the rest of the trip. I remember being to that stage.
