Monday, December 18, 2017

Fwd: Noooooooo

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Thomas V. Trotter <>
Date: Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 8:20 AM
Subject: Fwd: Noooooooo
To: Moss Bev <>, Moss Stephen <>,, Trotter Kathleen <>,, Trotter Gia <>,

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Daily Kos <>
Date: December 18, 2017 at 8:17:16 AM MST
Subject: Re: Noooooooo

Thomas, I have bad news. Senate Republicans now claim they have the votes to pass the Tax Scam. The vote is expected early this week.

Because Bob Corker gave up. Because Marco Rubio flipped. Because Susan Collins still clings to empty promises that don't make sense. The most consequential transfer of wealth to billionaire corporations may happen, because Republicans only care about a "win."

The Senate will rush this before Alabama Democrat Doug Jones can be sworn in—and Republicans still control the Senate 52-48. This is not public policy. It is partisan madness.

Don't get angry, get furious. Reject the notion that politicians can simply act without consequences, and make another phone call TODAY to your Republican senator(s).

Call Senator Mike Crapo at (202) 224-6142 and Senator James E. Risch at (202) 224-2752. When you reach an aide, leave the following message:

Hello, my name is Thomas calling from 83702. I am absolutely against the Tax Bill, and urge you to vote NO. The thought of you voting for this makes me very angry.

Call can't get through? Sign and send a quick petition to your Senator by clicking here.

Sign and send the petition

Keep fighting,
Paul Hogarth, Daily Kos

Daily Kos, PO Box 70036, Oakland, CA, 94612.
Sent via To update your email address, change your name or address, or to stop receiving emails from Daily Kos, please click here.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Re: Tell your Republican MoC: #NoJonesNoVote

To pare this down to the basics:
1. Here are the phone numbers: Sen. Mike Crapo, 202-224-6142; Sen. James Risch, 202-224-2752
2. Here is a script:

Sample Call Dialogue 

Caller: Hello! My name is [___] and I'm calling from [part of state]. I want [Senator] to refuse to take a final vote on the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act until the new duly-elected Senator from Alabama is seated.

Staffer: Senator [___] is in favor of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and thinks the American people can't wait to reform our broken, complex tax code. There is no need to wait until the New Year to vote on it.

Caller: That's terrible. The people of Alabama deserve to have their voices heard and be represented by the Senator they elected. Keep in mind that [Senator] helped Mitch McConnell keep a Supreme Court seat vacant so that "the people could decide." Well, here the people have decided and their will should be respected. After Scott Brown was elected in a special election in Massachusetts, there were no further votes on the Affordable Care Act until he was seated. That's the approach [Senator] should follow here.

Staffer: Thank you. I'll let the Senator know your thoughts.  

Caller: Yes please do, and please take down my contact information so you can let me know what the Senator decides to do. He/she can do the right thing with his/her vote alone. I will be watching to see that he/she does.

Bev Moss
1202 E. Ash Avenue
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814

Have a heart that never hardens, and a temper that never tires, and a touch that never hurts. 
- Charles Dickens

On Wed, Dec 13, 2017 at 2:00 PM, Stephen Moss <> wrote:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Indivisible Team <>
Date: Wed, Dec 13, 2017 at 12:24 PM
Subject: Tell your Republican MoC: #NoJonesNoVote
To: Stephen Moss <>

We have to keep pressing.
Show up. Make a call. Find an event.

Indivisibles --


We don't know about you… but we woke up this morning feeling energized, renewed, and ready to go in to this final stretch of the tax fight! Last night's victory proves that when we fight we win.

Yesterday, we got two new pieces of information that are shaping the landscape of this tax fight. In the morning, we heard that the conference committee will unveil their conference report (read our explainer on what that means) on Friday. And the Senate could vote as early as Monday, with the House close behind them.

Then, late last night Doug Jones won the Alabama special Senate election to fill Jeff Sessions' seat. Doug Jones' victory changes the game on the tax scam. Republicans are likely to rush the tax scam through before Jones is seated and do whatever they can to stall seating him.

In 2010, when Democrats were attempting to pass the Affordable Care Act and there was a vacant Senate seat in Massachusetts, Senators across the aisle agreed that there'd be no vote until Scott Brown was sworn in:

"I think the majority has gotten the message: no more gamesmanship here, no more lack of transparency, let's honor the wishes of the people of Massachusetts and move forward with policy." [Mitch McConnell, Politico, 1/20/2010]

"I'm not going to participate in any more health care votes until Sen. Scott Brown is sworn in." [Jim Webb, former Democratic Senator from Virginia]

"Here's one thing I know and I just want to make sure that this is off the table: The Senate certainly shouldn't try to jam anything through until Scott Brown is seated." [President Barack Obama, ABC News, 1/20/2010]

Tell Senators Crapo and Risch: #NoJonesNoVote. Refuse to cast a final vote on the tax scam "conference report" until Doug Jones is seated. Here's what you can do:

We have a lot of leverage in this fight. Senators Susan Collins (ME) Jeff Flake (AZ) voted for the tax scam, but both have also said the bill wasn't perfect. John McCain is concerned about regular order. Marco Rubio also wants a more generous Child Tax Credit for low-income families. There are also a number of differences between the two bills and the Republican caucus isn't aligned yet. They're running out of time to get everything done and we can stop them.

Amp up the pressure on these targets. Read our call scripts and make a call now!

In solidarity,
The Indivisible Team

PS -- We can't say it enough: we're blown away by what this movement accomplished last night. Along with so many partners on the ground, they canvassed in Madison, Lee, and Mobile counties that flipped from Trump to Jones. And volunteers across the country sent 242,420 texts to Alabamians to get out the vote. Can you chip in to help us take our lessons learned from Alabama e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e in 2018?

Indivisible is a project of The Advocacy Fund, a 501(c)(4). Donations are not tax deductible.
Sent from Indivisible. You can unsubscribe from this list.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Fwd: Tell your Republican MoC: #NoJonesNoVote

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Indivisible Team <>
Date: Wed, Dec 13, 2017 at 12:24 PM
Subject: Tell your Republican MoC: #NoJonesNoVote
To: Stephen Moss <>

We have to keep pressing.
Show up. Make a call. Find an event.

Indivisibles --


We don't know about you… but we woke up this morning feeling energized, renewed, and ready to go in to this final stretch of the tax fight! Last night's victory proves that when we fight we win.

Yesterday, we got two new pieces of information that are shaping the landscape of this tax fight. In the morning, we heard that the conference committee will unveil their conference report (read our explainer on what that means) on Friday. And the Senate could vote as early as Monday, with the House close behind them.

Then, late last night Doug Jones won the Alabama special Senate election to fill Jeff Sessions' seat. Doug Jones' victory changes the game on the tax scam. Republicans are likely to rush the tax scam through before Jones is seated and do whatever they can to stall seating him.

In 2010, when Democrats were attempting to pass the Affordable Care Act and there was a vacant Senate seat in Massachusetts, Senators across the aisle agreed that there'd be no vote until Scott Brown was sworn in:

"I think the majority has gotten the message: no more gamesmanship here, no more lack of transparency, let's honor the wishes of the people of Massachusetts and move forward with policy." [Mitch McConnell, Politico, 1/20/2010]

"I'm not going to participate in any more health care votes until Sen. Scott Brown is sworn in." [Jim Webb, former Democratic Senator from Virginia]

"Here's one thing I know and I just want to make sure that this is off the table: The Senate certainly shouldn't try to jam anything through until Scott Brown is seated." [President Barack Obama, ABC News, 1/20/2010]

Tell Senators Crapo and Risch: #NoJonesNoVote. Refuse to cast a final vote on the tax scam "conference report" until Doug Jones is seated. Here's what you can do:

We have a lot of leverage in this fight. Senators Susan Collins (ME) Jeff Flake (AZ) voted for the tax scam, but both have also said the bill wasn't perfect. John McCain is concerned about regular order. Marco Rubio also wants a more generous Child Tax Credit for low-income families. There are also a number of differences between the two bills and the Republican caucus isn't aligned yet. They're running out of time to get everything done and we can stop them.

Amp up the pressure on these targets. Read our call scripts and make a call now!

In solidarity,
The Indivisible Team

PS -- We can't say it enough: we're blown away by what this movement accomplished last night. Along with so many partners on the ground, they canvassed in Madison, Lee, and Mobile counties that flipped from Trump to Jones. And volunteers across the country sent 242,420 texts to Alabamians to get out the vote. Can you chip in to help us take our lessons learned from Alabama e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e in 2018?

Indivisible is a project of The Advocacy Fund, a 501(c)(4). Donations are not tax deductible.
Sent from Indivisible. You can unsubscribe from this list.

Re: Minutes Dec 8, 2017 BOD meeting

Thank you all for your concern for my Mom.  She seems to be very happy that I am there also!  She remains in the hospital as of today but it looks like she may be moving to a Skilled Nursing Facility very soon. I appreciate all the work you are all doing to keep the train on the tracks and I look forward to being back in LaPaz on January 14th.  Thanks again and Merry Christmas to you all!  Kris

In a message dated 12/13/2017 7:13:25 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:


 Here are the minutes from our last meeting. Let me know if they need tweaking in any way.

Board, please check the action list for what you agreed to do. Today I will check locally for lock outs for valves.

Tony, Please note that there are number of items promised this week.
In particular the Board would like action on the Attorney Letter and The Annual Meeting Minutes.

Kris, We are concerned about your mother's recovery.  How is she?
We are glad you are there by her side.

Merry Christmas,


Minutes Dec 8, 2017 BOD meeting


 Here are the minutes from our last meeting. Let me know if they need tweaking in any way.

Board, please check the action list for what you agreed to do. Today I will check locally for lock outs for valves.

Tony, Please note that there are number of items promised this week.
In particular the Board would like action on the Attorney Letter and The Annual Meeting Minutes. 

Kris, We are concerned about your mother's recovery.  How is she? 
We are glad you are there by her side.

Merry Christmas,


Friday, December 8, 2017

There are valve lock out devices available

Kris, we hope yoyur mother is doing well. I think her operation was about now.  A big surgery when you are older.

We have seen that merely turning the valve to restrict flow is not working. Its too easy to reverse it.

I Googled valve lockout devices and there are lots. Here are some of the links.

The other option is to revisit the definition of "restrict".
There could be a case for turning it off completely for certain hours and then back on the rest of the time. The advantage would be its either on or off not someplace in between that is uncertain.
Of course we need to follow the law per our attorney.

All the Best,


Monday, November 27, 2017

We want your opinion

    Progressive Diners    

We're running a survey and would love your input. Please let us know what you think below. Thanks for participating!

How many times have you attended PD in the last year?

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Monday, November 20, 2017

RE: Today's minutes



You are the epitome of efficiency! Thank you, Sir




Sent from Mail for Windows 10


From: Stephen Moss
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2017 17:06
To: Carl Lewis; James Maguire; Kris Anderson; Mike Flannigan; Stephen Moss; Steve Bev Moss La Paz; Tony Galaz
Subject: Today's minutes


Here are the minutes of today's meeting. Again a little vague to not reveal our position.

Good luck to Kris, Carl and Tony on Wednesday.



Today's minutes

Here are the minutes of today's meeting. Again a little vague to not reveal our position.
Good luck to Kris, Carl and Tony on Wednesday.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Fwd: 14 days to stop the Trump Tax Scam

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Indivisible Team <>
Date: Wed, Nov 15, 2017 at 3:04 PM
Subject: 14 days to stop the Trump Tax Scam
To: Stephen Moss <>

From Indivisible. Tax cuts for some, loss of health care for others!
Let's ruin Trump and McConnell's 2017 a little bit more.

Dear Indivisibles,

Late last night, Senate Republicans snuck a repeal of the Affordable Care Act's individual mandate into the #TrumpTaxScam. Deep tax cuts to line the pockets of their billionaire donors at the expense of teachers weren't enough. Now they want to leave 13 million people uninsured, too.

Yep. That's right. The #TrumpTaxScam and the centerpiece of "skinny repeal" are now in one dangerous bill that's on the fast-track to becoming law. (Ready to fight this thing? Visit for everything you need to take action. Need more info? Keep reading!)

This whole process could be done as early as November 30. The House will likely pass their version of the bill tomorrow. Then, both chambers of Congress will be on recess until Monday, November 27. The Senate could vote on a motion to proceed (the pre-vote vote) on Monday and bring the bill to a full floor vote as early as Thursday, November 30. Once it passes the Senate, it'll go back to the House where they'll rubber stamp the Senate's plans and move it onto the President's desk.

Here are four things we need to do to stop the #TrumpTaxScam-skinny-repeal mess of a bill rolling through Congress:

  1. Make. a. phone call. NOW. Start calling your Senators immediately (we've set up a toll-free number 1-855-980-2350 to make it even easier for you to make a call!). They need to hear from you. Your voice will be the difference in this fight. We have Democratic call scripts and Republican call scripts to help guide your conversations with your Senators!

  2. Schedule a visit to your Senators' in-district offices ASAP. It's almost Thanksgiving, but many offices will be open the rest of this week, as well as next Monday and Tuesday. Use our organizing toolkit to plan a visit and then register your event here.

  3. Show up on 11/27 for our National Day of Action. Indivisible Group Leaders are planning sit-ins in Senator's offices across the country right now. Sit-ins played a huge role in the TrumpCare fight and we can do it again. Mark your calendars and we'll send you an email when an event in your area gets scheduled!

  4. Set up a weekly donation through the end of the year to support our organizing in the final stretch. Call tools. Organizing support. Resources. We're pulling out all the stops to defeat this bill. Contribute $7 a week for the next 6 weeks to help support our campaign to defeat this #TrumpTaxScam-turned-skinny-repeal mess of a bill.

Just like with healthcare, our path to stopping this bill is through voicing tremendous constituent pressure, forcing Republicans to delay or slow their process. Each and every Senator needs to hear loud and clear from their constituents that you don't want this bill.

Congressional Republicans are hoping that you will be too tired from the healthcare fight, too distracted by the holidays, and not too motivated by tax policy.

Let's prove them wrong. Make a call. Schedule a visit to your Senators' office before Thanksgiving. Show up on November 27 for a sit-in. Let's stop this thing together.

In solidarity,
The Indivisible Team

Indivisible is a project of The Advocacy Fund, a 501(c)(4). Donations are not tax deductible.
Sent from Indivisible. You can unsubscribe from this list.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

November 9, 2017 BOD minutes

Here are the minutes of our last meeting.
I kept them a little vague as you will see, but included the essentials.
Is the terminology re liens and suits accurate?
If you think more detail is needed we can talk about it.

My fingers are still crossed re Diaz.


Sunday, October 15, 2017

Re: Any news

Thanks for the update. 
We were in Prague and then Budapest.
Very nice trip.

Is someone going to throw together minutes of the meeting? 

If there is a legal challenge it seems all the more important to have our attorney's opinion in our file. To justify our actions. I haven't seen it yet.

If we start burning money on more legal fees our own fellow owners may challenge our decision. I don't think I am too paranoid about this.

Thanks very much. We will persist.

On Oct 15, 2017 10:21 AM, "Jackie Flannigan" <> wrote:

Hey Steve,  We saw you were in Europe last week, bet you had a great time.  Our conference call was pretty tame.  Tony brought us up to date on our legal progress, but I for one am not impressed with the speed of things.  In my opinion, hoping for the Mexican legal system to solve our problems will end up being a very long and frustrating process.  I hope I am wrong.  Max deposited enough money into our account to pay his water bill, thinking that will force us to turn his water back on.  I can see a legal challenge on that issue coming, and if that gets over turned, we will be right back to where we were. The Ruiz situation looks more promising.  We are making legal moves that will allow us to lien not only his condo, but about everything else he owns.  This info must stay confidential.  Linda is not in La Paz now, T-702 is unoccupied as is T-101, so we have not had any feedback from those units. I know some of the board will be going there soon.  I won't be there until the first week of December. We will be there for 4 months.  I would love to have all of us there for face to face time.  I hope it will happen some day. I don't think I have ever met Jim.  So, that's my take on things.  When I get more info from Tony, I will be arranging for another conference call.  Everyone, Please take care, Mike

From: Stephen Moss <>
Sent: Sunday, October 15, 2017 3:58 AM
To: Carl Lewis; James Maguire; Kris Anderson; Mike Flannigan; Stephen Moss; Steve Bev Moss La Paz
Subject: Any news
I just got back Thursday from being out of town for a few weeks.
Havent heard much from RVLP.
Can you bring me up to speed? Eager to know how the water policy is working.

I will be in La Paz for a few days to check on our condo starting Monday.
Any of you there?


Re: Any news

Hey Steve,  We saw you were in Europe last week, bet you had a great time.  Our conference call was pretty tame.  Tony brought us up to date on our legal progress, but I for one am not impressed with the speed of things.  In my opinion, hoping for the Mexican legal system to solve our problems will end up being a very long and frustrating process.  I hope I am wrong.  Max deposited enough money into our account to pay his water bill, thinking that will force us to turn his water back on.  I can see a legal challenge on that issue coming, and if that gets over turned, we will be right back to where we were. The Ruiz situation looks more promising.  We are making legal moves that will allow us to lien not only his condo, but about everything else he owns.  This info must stay confidential.  Linda is not in La Paz now, T-702 is unoccupied as is T-101, so we have not had any feedback from those units. I know some of the board will be going there soon.  I won't be there until the first week of December. We will be there for 4 months.  I would love to have all of us there for face to face time.  I hope it will happen some day. I don't think I have ever met Jim.  So, that's my take on things.  When I get more info from Tony, I will be arranging for another conference call.  Everyone, Please take care, Mike

From: Stephen Moss <>
Sent: Sunday, October 15, 2017 3:58 AM
To: Carl Lewis; James Maguire; Kris Anderson; Mike Flannigan; Stephen Moss; Steve Bev Moss La Paz
Subject: Any news
I just got back Thursday from being out of town for a few weeks.
Havent heard much from RVLP.
Can you bring me up to speed? Eager to know how the water policy is working.

I will be in La Paz for a few days to check on our condo starting Monday.
Any of you there?
