Sunday, October 15, 2017

Re: Any news

Hey Steve,  We saw you were in Europe last week, bet you had a great time.  Our conference call was pretty tame.  Tony brought us up to date on our legal progress, but I for one am not impressed with the speed of things.  In my opinion, hoping for the Mexican legal system to solve our problems will end up being a very long and frustrating process.  I hope I am wrong.  Max deposited enough money into our account to pay his water bill, thinking that will force us to turn his water back on.  I can see a legal challenge on that issue coming, and if that gets over turned, we will be right back to where we were. The Ruiz situation looks more promising.  We are making legal moves that will allow us to lien not only his condo, but about everything else he owns.  This info must stay confidential.  Linda is not in La Paz now, T-702 is unoccupied as is T-101, so we have not had any feedback from those units. I know some of the board will be going there soon.  I won't be there until the first week of December. We will be there for 4 months.  I would love to have all of us there for face to face time.  I hope it will happen some day. I don't think I have ever met Jim.  So, that's my take on things.  When I get more info from Tony, I will be arranging for another conference call.  Everyone, Please take care, Mike

From: Stephen Moss <>
Sent: Sunday, October 15, 2017 3:58 AM
To: Carl Lewis; James Maguire; Kris Anderson; Mike Flannigan; Stephen Moss; Steve Bev Moss La Paz
Subject: Any news
I just got back Thursday from being out of town for a few weeks.
Havent heard much from RVLP.
Can you bring me up to speed? Eager to know how the water policy is working.

I will be in La Paz for a few days to check on our condo starting Monday.
Any of you there?


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