Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Fwd: 14 days to stop the Trump Tax Scam

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From: Indivisible Team <>
Date: Wed, Nov 15, 2017 at 3:04 PM
Subject: 14 days to stop the Trump Tax Scam
To: Stephen Moss <>

From Indivisible. Tax cuts for some, loss of health care for others!
Let's ruin Trump and McConnell's 2017 a little bit more.

Dear Indivisibles,

Late last night, Senate Republicans snuck a repeal of the Affordable Care Act's individual mandate into the #TrumpTaxScam. Deep tax cuts to line the pockets of their billionaire donors at the expense of teachers weren't enough. Now they want to leave 13 million people uninsured, too.

Yep. That's right. The #TrumpTaxScam and the centerpiece of "skinny repeal" are now in one dangerous bill that's on the fast-track to becoming law. (Ready to fight this thing? Visit for everything you need to take action. Need more info? Keep reading!)

This whole process could be done as early as November 30. The House will likely pass their version of the bill tomorrow. Then, both chambers of Congress will be on recess until Monday, November 27. The Senate could vote on a motion to proceed (the pre-vote vote) on Monday and bring the bill to a full floor vote as early as Thursday, November 30. Once it passes the Senate, it'll go back to the House where they'll rubber stamp the Senate's plans and move it onto the President's desk.

Here are four things we need to do to stop the #TrumpTaxScam-skinny-repeal mess of a bill rolling through Congress:

  1. Make. a. phone call. NOW. Start calling your Senators immediately (we've set up a toll-free number 1-855-980-2350 to make it even easier for you to make a call!). They need to hear from you. Your voice will be the difference in this fight. We have Democratic call scripts and Republican call scripts to help guide your conversations with your Senators!

  2. Schedule a visit to your Senators' in-district offices ASAP. It's almost Thanksgiving, but many offices will be open the rest of this week, as well as next Monday and Tuesday. Use our organizing toolkit to plan a visit and then register your event here.

  3. Show up on 11/27 for our National Day of Action. Indivisible Group Leaders are planning sit-ins in Senator's offices across the country right now. Sit-ins played a huge role in the TrumpCare fight and we can do it again. Mark your calendars and we'll send you an email when an event in your area gets scheduled!

  4. Set up a weekly donation through the end of the year to support our organizing in the final stretch. Call tools. Organizing support. Resources. We're pulling out all the stops to defeat this bill. Contribute $7 a week for the next 6 weeks to help support our campaign to defeat this #TrumpTaxScam-turned-skinny-repeal mess of a bill.

Just like with healthcare, our path to stopping this bill is through voicing tremendous constituent pressure, forcing Republicans to delay or slow their process. Each and every Senator needs to hear loud and clear from their constituents that you don't want this bill.

Congressional Republicans are hoping that you will be too tired from the healthcare fight, too distracted by the holidays, and not too motivated by tax policy.

Let's prove them wrong. Make a call. Schedule a visit to your Senators' office before Thanksgiving. Show up on November 27 for a sit-in. Let's stop this thing together.

In solidarity,
The Indivisible Team

Indivisible is a project of The Advocacy Fund, a 501(c)(4). Donations are not tax deductible.
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