Monday, December 18, 2017

Fwd: Noooooooo

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Thomas V. Trotter <>
Date: Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 8:20 AM
Subject: Fwd: Noooooooo
To: Moss Bev <>, Moss Stephen <>,, Trotter Kathleen <>,, Trotter Gia <>,

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Daily Kos <>
Date: December 18, 2017 at 8:17:16 AM MST
Subject: Re: Noooooooo

Thomas, I have bad news. Senate Republicans now claim they have the votes to pass the Tax Scam. The vote is expected early this week.

Because Bob Corker gave up. Because Marco Rubio flipped. Because Susan Collins still clings to empty promises that don't make sense. The most consequential transfer of wealth to billionaire corporations may happen, because Republicans only care about a "win."

The Senate will rush this before Alabama Democrat Doug Jones can be sworn in—and Republicans still control the Senate 52-48. This is not public policy. It is partisan madness.

Don't get angry, get furious. Reject the notion that politicians can simply act without consequences, and make another phone call TODAY to your Republican senator(s).

Call Senator Mike Crapo at (202) 224-6142 and Senator James E. Risch at (202) 224-2752. When you reach an aide, leave the following message:

Hello, my name is Thomas calling from 83702. I am absolutely against the Tax Bill, and urge you to vote NO. The thought of you voting for this makes me very angry.

Call can't get through? Sign and send a quick petition to your Senator by clicking here.

Sign and send the petition

Keep fighting,
Paul Hogarth, Daily Kos

Daily Kos, PO Box 70036, Oakland, CA, 94612.
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