Thursday, September 7, 2017

Thought about our delinquent owners

Hello everyone,

I have been thinking about our approach to the delinquent owners. I suppose we all have been doing that.
Here are a couple thoughts.

1. We need a letter from our attorney supporting our water action. We discussed this at our August 1 BOD meeting and agreed that it was needed. Tony, I believe you are the point person on this. I know you have a full plate, but hopefully this can be done.

2.  Another idea how to "restrict" domestic water use: Up to this point we have thought of restriction as meaning closing down the valve part way, to a trickle. Tony and I experimented with this last fall with one of us on the roof and the other in our condo. It is pretty delicate ,but it can be done. It will be more difficult restricting water to a condo we dont have access to and cant see just how low the flow is.

Another way to restrict would be to shut the water off totally except for a certain time during each day. For example, having it on from 8-10 in the morning and off the rest of the time. It would be easier to do. The guard  could shut the valves off and then open them.
Does this qualify as restriction? What do you think? 

Best, Steve

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