Friday, September 8, 2017

Gray Panther meeting date change.

Dear Panthers;

Labor Day is over and Congress will be back in session. It's time to become active again calling our legislators about the issues that concern us!

Two of our co-leaders, Bud Benjamin and Steve Cedros, need to step back for a time, which leaves Ruben and me trying to organize our activism. Our next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 14, which conflicts with the KC Dems Theater Night.

Instead of meeting this month, I am suggesting that we make calls based on the Action Alerts that Tom Trotter sends from the National Council of Gray Panthers.I will also forward action alerts from AARP. Of course that means that we all need to commit to making calls when you receive the emails!

Our next in-person meeting will be Thursday, October 19, at 6pm at the Hayden Lake Library. This is the THIRD Thursday but I am hoping this works since I am out of town the week before. At the October meeting we can revisit any local action we might want to engage in, share our experiences with calling and discuss how we can be most effective with our national issues going forward.
One More thing: Would early afternoon work for our meetings in the future?
Most of us are retired so I would like to explore options.

Thank you for everything you are doing to make this a better place,


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