Saturday, November 5, 2011

Ostia Antica

Ostia Antica is an amazing place about 1/2 hour by train toward the Mediterranean Sea. This was the port of ancient Rome in the 4th C BC before the Tiber changed course away from the city. The town was eventually covered over and has been excavated. Many say this is better than Pompeii because it is so large. We were fascinated by the very large public bath house that had a work out room as well as a place to get an olive oil massage! The walls and floors were all heated with hot water within. Steve is pictured in one of the hot pools. (And no, it wasn't mixed bathing; the women had a smaller area that was separate.) We had lunch at the top of the remains of the theater where performances are still held.

1 comment:

  1. This is so interesting. I just watched a documentary about how the "other 99%" lived in Rome by Terry Jones. "The Hidden History of Rome (UK, 2003)" Talked a lot about alternative to Pompeii, excavation, and the baths!
