Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Hanging Out

We have spent the last few days hanging out in Asciano instead of visiting Siena. Usually about two weeks in when traveling in a country where we don't know the language, instead of finding things interesting and challenging, we find them annoying! That's where we are right now - also isolated. But we took the train to Rome today and found our new "home" for our last week. Got some groceries and cooking chicken cacchiatori for dinner which  somehow helps!


  1. Just realized you were posting - though you had IT issues. When do you come back? Will catch up on your posts.

  2. I love the annoying comment. I need details of that!

  3. Steve and Bev-
    Sorry we didn't see you this Summer at Erik's. I think you stayed in our Florence room. Were there blood spots where we smashed some nasty mosquitoes and was it up a flight of stairs that had a different hotel on each floor? You're in Rome now but we would have recommended Lucca in Tuscany for a stay at the Hotel Universo where jazz great Chet Baker was busted by the Italian policio.
    We stay close to the train terminal in Rome for well priced rooms and a good location. Don't miss Piazza de popolo. One could spend a month in Rome and only scratch the surface, just walk, walk, walk, walk!
    Bill and Lynn

  4. Bill and Lynn;
    Thanks so much for your advice about the Piazza de Popolo! We wandered over there on Sunday and were not disappointed! The church by the arch is amazing and mostly it was just fun to hang out and people-watch! Even with rain, we have seen so much - you are right, you just have to be willing to walk until you drop! Hope to see you soon and share a little limoncello! Steve and Bev
