Wednesday, August 9, 2017

August Gray Panthers CANCELLED

Hello, There are many of our members who are out of town and busy with family things and cannot make it to the August meeting.
So, after talking it over , we have decided to cancel the August meeting.
Instead we will ramp up for the September meeting.
Please pass the word to those who may not receive this email so no one appears to and empty room.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Re: Gray Panther meeting Thursday August 10 Hayden Library

I appreciate being on the mailing list.  Unfortunately I have to miss again as I will just be coming back Thursday evening from a statewide meeting of Idaho AAA's and the Idaho Commission on Aging.  When I am able to attend a meeting will be glad to share some of the national perspective that I picked up a our national AAA meeting last week in Savannah.  One of the key themes was definitely the need for advocacy. 
"That's what tiggers do best!" 

Our next Gray Panther meeting is this Thursday at HL Library at 6 pm.
I was not able to attend the last meeting, but these are some items for the agenda. If you would like to add others just let me know.
    Collect money to build our account toward the $100 level. Tom paid that for us and we can work toward paying him back.
    Decide on local action. We had discussed efforts to increase registration/turnout. 

It should not be along meeting. I think the building is air conditioned so plan to be cool and be there, not square.😉
Steve M

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Gray Panther meeting Thursday August 10 Hayden Library

Our next Gray Panther meeting is this Thursday at HL Library at 6 pm.
I was not able to attend the last meeting, but these are some items for the agenda. If you would like to add others just let me know.
    Collect money to build our account toward the $100 level. Tom paid that for us and we can work toward paying him back.
    Decide on local action. We had discussed efforts to increase registration/turnout. 

It should not be along meeting. I think the building is air conditioned so plan to be cool and be there, not square.😉
Steve M

Friday, August 4, 2017

Re: August 1 2017 BOD minutes

Yes  Sept 12 at 9. 
I will correct it.

On Fri, Aug 4, 2017 at 9:50 AM, Jackie Flannigan <> wrote:

Steve,  Great job on the minutes.  My only comment is that the next conference call will be September 12 at 9:00am.  Mike

From: Stephen Moss <>
Sent: Friday, August 4, 2017 8:45 AM
To: Carl Lewis; James Maguire; Kris Anderson; Mike Flannigan; Stephen Moss; Steve and Bev Moss La Paz; Antonio Galaz
Subject: August 1 2017 BOD minutes

Here are the minutes.
Please review, especially the sections that refer to our  decisions concerning the delinquent members. I think that should be comprehensive and accurate.

Good job everyone on our efforts so far.


Re: August 1 2017 BOD minutes

Steve,  Great job on the minutes.  My only comment is that the next conference call will be September 12 at 9:00am.  Mike

From: Stephen Moss <>
Sent: Friday, August 4, 2017 8:45 AM
To: Carl Lewis; James Maguire; Kris Anderson; Mike Flannigan; Stephen Moss; Steve and Bev Moss La Paz; Antonio Galaz
Subject: August 1 2017 BOD minutes

Here are the minutes.
Please review, especially the sections that refer to our  decisions concerning the delinquent members. I think that should be comprehensive and accurate.

Good job everyone on our efforts so far.


August 1 2017 BOD minutes

Here are the minutes.
Please review, especially the sections that refer to our  decisions concerning the delinquent members. I think that should be comprehensive and accurate.

Good job everyone on our efforts so far.
