Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Last Day in Freiburg

For our last full day we decided to visit the open-air market around the cathedral once again and actually go into the Munster, as it is called. We also loaded up on neuer seusser (new wine - like apple cider) and brats in anticipation of walking for the rest of the day. Since we were using public transport we caught a tram and a connecting bus to the area where a ski lift operates to go to the Schuinsland. Unfortunately it was closed this week, so back on the bus and the tram for a walk up from Freiburg to a little church about 5 km. from the city center. Of course we got a little lost, but with the help of some very helpful ladies doing nordic walking we finally reached St Ottilien in time for a late lunch before heading back down the mountain. We are packing tonight and heading to Frankfort tomorrow before flying to Seattle on Friday.

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